
Three Ways to Stay Ahead of Violation Notices

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Three Ways to Stay Ahead of Violation Notices

Nobody wants to receive a violation notice. As a manager, spending all day writing up notices and dealing with disgruntled homeowners is probably not your favorite thing either. How can you stop violations before they start? A little communication goes a long way!

Start with making the CC&Rs as visible as possible.

  1. Post CC&Rs to community websites. Make sure they are also available on mobile devices. It’s even better if your community has a mobile app. An app makes it quick and easy for residents to check documents and make sure they are in compliance.
  2. The truth is, even if you prominently display the CC&Rs, not all residents are going to take the time to read a lengthy document. That’s why you need to bring the information to the residents in a way that they will absorb. Use technology to send out reminders of HOA rules and regulations to the entire community with scheduled proactive communication. Look for technology that will allow you to push out communication via text message, email, mobile app, and automated website updates. When residents have the rules in the palm of their hands, they are more aware and can make better decisions.
  3. Let’s say a violation has occurred. Make sure residents have easy access to violation notices as part of their community website and mobile app experience. When owners have access to violation notices, they can learn from their mistakes.

Most owners aren’t intentionally violating the CC&Rs. If you can provide helpful information and prevent violations from occurring, you are proving your value to the community.

Nabr Network can play a part in informing your residents and reducing violations. To learn more, contact us today.