
Saving Time with Self-Service Opportunities

Woman in her living room, looking at her cell phone, smiling

Self-service opportunities enable residents to help themselves. Nabr Network’s HOA website and mobile app solution offers several self-service features that will empower your residents and save you time.

Online Forms. Nabr Network’s dynamic forms feature allows residents to fill out forms online. Residents can easily find the forms online without contacting your office. The completed forms are then emailed to the site admin of your choice and are archived on the HOA website. This eliminates the need to deal with filing and keeping up with paper forms.

Amenity Reservations. Our amenities and reservations feature allows the set up of multiple amenities- each with its own reservations calendar. Residents can access the system anytime – from desktop and mobile devices – and make reservations. Reservations can be automatically approved or can be set to require your approval before they are confirmed. Reservations are easily managed through Nabr Network’s Manager Dashboard, which means you don’t have to log in and out of different systems to manage multiple community calendars. It’s all right there in one place!

View payments and notices. Through our integration with major accounting software programs, we can pull over resident payments and notices and display those to the resident on their Nabr Network site. When residents can easily access their account information, you save time answering questions.

RSVP for Events. With Nabr Network’s Smart Calendar, you can request that residents RSVP for community events. No more answering calls or returning emails about reserving spots at the event. You’ll also be provided with an RSVP list so that you can easily see who will be attending.

Access to information 24/7. Your HOA website and mobile app are available around the clock. Residents can easily check their CC&Rs on weekends, meaning you won’t be needing to return a phone call on Monday. Giving residents access to important information without having them go through you is a huge time-saver!

Are you looking for an HOA website with self-service features? Contact Nabr Network today!