
New Feature Announcement: Nabr Network’s Content Library

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Announcing Nabr Network’s newest feature: our content library. This is yet another feature to create operational and communication efficiencies. This library of content is a communication template system provided by Nabr Network for all communities. Community Managers can use templates provided by Nabr Network and create and add their own templates to the library. The Content Library makes pushing out repetitive or regularly needed communications faster. It also allows the community management company to streamline communication by storing all important topics in a shared area, accessible by all managers.

The Content Library is designed to save you time. All you need to do is select the template that works best for you, instead of creating a post from scratch. You’re able to edit the text to fit your specific needs. Once you’ve finished creating your post, you have the option to save your edits as a new template. This easy-to-use feature puts convenience at your fingertips.

Many of the templates already include artwork, but you have the option to add your own image to personalize each communication. Examples of Content Library templates include community safety, holiday greetings, and HOA dues reminders.

The Content Library is now available on our platform to all Community Managers, making it a valuable resource to everyone on your team.

Are you interested in learning how our Content Library can make your communications more efficient? Contact us today!