
Making the Most of Your HOA Website

laptop, coffee cup, pencils and notebook
So, you’re ready to bring your association online with an HOA website? Here are a few things that will maximize the effectiveness and enjoyability of your website.
  • Include photos of your community. Beautiful community photos will help residents easily identify with your HOA website. Photos with people in them are also great for adding a human element to an online presence.
  • Make important documents accessible. Your association likely has several documents that need to be available to all members. Be sure those are stored in a place that is easy for members to access.
  • Make contact info prominent. Residents don’t want to hunt for contact information on your website. Put contact info for your association management company or the Board on the homepage where it is easy to find. Create HOA online forms for residents to contact you easily.
  • Don’t forget to include a calendar. Make sure your website has a calendar that includes all important meetings and social events. The calendar would be made even better if your website has RSVP capabilities.
  • Include helpful links. Use your website as a place to share information about local utility providers and city services. Be sure to include a link to your established payment processor. Residents will appreciate having access to these links on your website.
  • Use powerful integrations. Ask your website provider if they integrate with your accounting software. An integration can give residents the ability to view their payment history, balance, violation notices, and other requests all with one log in to your HOA website.
  • Provide extras. Look for a website provider that can provide extra, unexpected features like an Amenities Reservations system and online forms. These self-service tools will save your residents and association manager time.
  • Allow residents to submit maintenance requests and ARC requests online and use a system that allows you to process the requests effectively.

If you’re looking for an HOA website with these features and much more, take a look at Nabr Network. Register for a free webinar here and learn more about what Nabr Network has to offer.