
Improve Your Customer Service with Nabr Network!

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Nabr Network is the place for official HOA information, but it’s also a valuable resource for learning about your customers’ needs and expectations. Below are three simple tips for using Nabr Network to understand and exceed those expectations.

  1. Check out the General Channel. Not surprisingly, residents often post general questions to this channel of the Feed. Do you see the same question posted often? This shows an information gap. Close it and put an end to the questions by creating a scheduled post that will push this information out to members on an ongoing basis.
  2. Ask questions. Nabr Network’s dynamic forms feature can also be used for informal community surveys. Custom forms are easy to create and share to the Community Feed. The completed forms are emailed to you and stored in your Admin panel. Try using Dynamic forms to create a homeowner satisfaction survey and learn what you can do to improve your service offerings.
  3. Be accessible. Be sure to keep management contact information up-to-date on your Nabr Network sites. If there is a staffing change for a community, be sure homeowners know who their new manager is and have a straightforward way of contacting them.

Following trends in the Community Feed, gaining insight from Dynamic Forms, and providing an easy way for your customers to contact management are all great ways to discover what your customers want. Use that information to identify opportunities for excellent customer service and watch as your customers stay with your company year after year.